That’s because I’m switching to a new platform, Substack. It’s where all the cool writer kids hang out. I long ago gave up any hope of coolness, but at least I’ll be in the neighborhood. I hope you’ll stick with me through the inevitable bumps as I adjust to a new way of newslettering. (No, that’s not a word, and when I see it in print, I realize why.)
Thanks for the shoutout!!
I really think the Davis family lucked out with Sean! He is absolutely the best!
The Limoncello Cake looks divine!
Hi Gwen,
I'm always finding notes to myself written on Post-Its and scraps of paper, and I NEVER know what they mean. Or, I can't read them.
That cake looks and sounds divine, and that sign is beautiful!
Thanks so much, and great to hear from you! I really envy writers who are organized. I will never be one of them.