With French, I think of what Sister Maryann told us when we questioned, but why?!?, about rules to divide fractions: « Don’t ask why, just invert and multiply. » When we have to say « the snow misses me, » instead of, « I miss snow, » I just invert and multiply. Ditto all things subjunctive. What never occurred to me were the similar mysteries in the writing process. I get it now.
Loved this. The part about thinking you'll eventually crack the code after a couple of published books really resonated with me!
Isn't it crazy-making? But we forge on. I'm excited about your new book - really admire the way you train a rational eye upon the wholly irrational
With French, I think of what Sister Maryann told us when we questioned, but why?!?, about rules to divide fractions: « Don’t ask why, just invert and multiply. » When we have to say « the snow misses me, » instead of, « I miss snow, » I just invert and multiply. Ditto all things subjunctive. What never occurred to me were the similar mysteries in the writing process. I get it now.
"Invert and multiply" is my new mantra! Grazie mille, merci, etc etc - and onward
A delight as always